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Office Team

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Mrs Mills- Office Manager

When I'm not at school I love spending time with my family outdoors and visiting new places. However, I also love to stay home after a busy week, watch movies and eat lots of chocolate with my boys, especially in the winter! I have always been interested in interior design and antiques and love to buy new things for my home.

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Mr Brockman- Bursar

I like exploring new places with my two boys, and I love helping them build massive Lego creations. I enjoy having barbeques and beach days, swimming, and listening to music.

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Miss Brown- Office Staff

I love spending time with my family, especially my 2 children. Our favourite things to do are trips to the seaside when the weather is sunny, or if it’s cold, we curl up on the sofa and watch a film with our 2 cats and dog.

Site Team

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Mr Mills- Site Manager

My favourite thing to do is spend time with my family and friends. I especially enjoy days out that involve cycling, canoeing and fishing. 

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Cleaning Team

Mrs Salmon and Mrs Bessell keep the school clean before and after hours with the support of Mr Mills.

School Breakfast & Lunch Menu | Reynolds School District - Oregon

Midday Meals Team

We are fortunate to have a great team of Midday Meals Supervisors to enable the smooth service for lunchtimes and the supervision of the children afterwards, in the playgrounds.

Mrs Diddams, Mrs Brooks, Miss May, Mrs Salmon, Mrs Turton and the Teaching Assistant Team support the children across their lunchtime.

Click to see our teams:

Nursery Year R Year 1 Year 2 SEND 


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