Aims, Values and Pedagogy
Our highly committed and valued staff, working in partnership with parents, Governors and all stakeholders will ensure that St Margaret’s Infant school upholds our school aims:
Our school aims to develop confident and happy learners who achieve highly, always showing respect for others and a determination to do their best.
Our community code:- Be kind,
Be safe,
Be responsible.
Our core values which are constantly referred to and celebrated:-
Pedagogy at St. Margaret's Infant School
We believe that basic skills underpin learning at St. Margaret’s Infant School and use a systematic approach to develop the core skills in Reading, Writing and Maths. Using a consistent whole school approach, we provide children with practical opportunities to consolidate and embed their learning, so that they have the confidence and resilience to apply the knowledge and skills to solve problems, prove their answers, explain and think critically.
Our five core values are depicted by our superhero characters as suggested by the children. Each week our 'POWs' (Pupils of the Week) are celebrated when showing one or more of the core values.
Each term, the learning starts with a 'hook' or exciting start; setting the scene and providing the context for learning. Within each subject area, subjects are planned using a 5-stage approach.
Inquire- We start from the children. We ask them what they already know and how we could build upon their existing knowledge. We hook our children in with a memorable experience, setting the scene and providing the context for learning.
This phase supports the children to be adventurous, excited and curious.
· Develop- Next, we teach facts and information for deeper understanding and knowledge. Teachers demonstrate new skills and allow time for children to consolidate their new learning.
This phase supports the children to be industrious, purposeful and resilient.
· Experiment- Our children are then encouraged to work collaboratively to solve problems and become more independent learners and showcase their newly acquired knowledge and skills.
This phase supports the children to be imaginative, inventive and resourceful.
· Assess- Children reflect on their learning journey, talking about what they have learned, achieved and overcome. They set their own targets for future work and to further their independence.
This phase supports the children to be confident, articulate and reflective.
Share Success - Finally, children are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey, celebrate, and share their success with their peers, parents and other members of the community.
This phase supports the children to be independent, collaborative and proud.