Weekly Newsletters
Newletters are provided in a variety of formats. The weekly newsletter is sent electronically via School Ping. If you have changed your email address, have had a problem or indeed start a new email account, then please let the class teacher or the front office know the new details.
These weekly newsletters hold pertinent information for the up coming weeks in the diary section. There is a celebration section for class attendance and also for the Pupils of the week (PoW). Be sure to check your School Ping app regularly! The newsletters will also be housed on this page of the school website. Just click on the documents opposite to download them.
We send the majority of our communications electronically through School Ping and Class Dojo, but there are times where other info may be printed and sent home with the children. Please remember to check their book bags as letters do get 'forgotten'!
Please keep us updated with any changes to your email address for school correspondence by dropping a note into the front office (please remember to give your childs name and class, and check the spelling of your email address).