School Uniform
Uniform & Presentation
By sending your child to this school, you are accepting your role in ensuring that your child arrives for school in absolute compliance of this guidance.
It is our policy that all children must wear school uniform when attending St Margaret’s Infant School and when participating in an organised event outside of the normal school hours. Pupils are expected to be in full school uniform at all times. It is the responsibility of all parents to ensure that their child arrives at school in accordance with this policy. This guidance is designed to help parents understand what is required when they decide to send their child to this school and forms part of the home/school agreement.
The uniform children are required to wear at this school is kept as simple as possible so that costs can be kept low and it is easy to get.
- a royal blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
- black or grey trousers, tailored shorts, skirt or dress. Blue and white checked dresses may be worn during summer. Black or navy tights matching the colour of skirt or dress
- a white or blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse
- flat plain black shoes or black trainers with black laces (no heels or open toes, coloured logos or Heelies)
Children's PE kit should consist of the following:
- A plain white t-shirt
- a pair of jogging bottoms (Black, Navy or Grey)
- a pair of shorts (Black, Navy or Grey)
- a plain sweatshirt or hoodie (Black, Navy or Grey)
- trainers/plimsolls
Please make sure that all uniform is clearly named. This includes coats and lunchboxes. Staff will name any uniform found not to be so, by writing the child’s name onto one of the labels inside the item, if this has not been actioned by parents following a request.
If your child arrives at school without the expected uniform, you will be contacted and requested to bring in the correct uniform. The school will keep a small quantity of clean, second-hand uniform for cases when this is not possible. If you are suffering from financial hardship, please contact our School Admin Team in the Front Office.
Uniform bearing the school logo is not compulsory. Should you wish to order uniform with the school logo on it, it is available to purchase online from our supplier: MAPAC website
Children are allowed to wear a watch (except smart watches with a camera function) and small studded earrings in pierced ears. We do not allow children to wear any other jewellery. We ask children to remove jewellery during PE and games. They must be able to remove earrings themselves and the school will not take responsibility for items which are lost.
Earrings and P.E.
Our uniform policy states:
“Children are allowed to wear a watch (except smart watches) and small, flat studded earrings in pierced ears. We do not allow children to wear any other jewellery. We ask children to remove jewellery during PE and games. They must be able to remove earrings themselves and the school will not take responsibility for items which are lost.”
This is in line with the 2020 guidance for all schools in The Westbrook Trust published by The Association for Physical Education.
This guidance can create a challenge when children have recently had their ears pierced. This is because the recommendation is to not remove studs from newly pierced ears for up to six weeks.
Where earrings cannot be removed because of a new piercing the pupil will contribute to group planning, designing, discussions, analysis and feedback as part of the lesson.
The school does not permit children to have haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. Pupils must not wear extreme hair fashions, these include dyed, streaked or ‘Mohican’ hair. The head teacher will have the final say on whether a haircut is deemed to be a distraction.
Children with hair which is shoulder length or longer must have this neatly tied back at all times. If your child attends school with their hair loose, they will be given a temporary band to tie their hair up with. Hair must be tied back for P.E.
If a child comes to school with a style that is not permitted within the letter or the spirit of this guidance, parents will be contacted and advised that the style must be rectified. It is not possible to foresee misinterpretations of this guidance or to predict future fashion trends so parents are reminded of the expectation that the decision of the school in such matters is to be respected at all times.
Make-up, nail varnish and temporary tattoos are not permitted on days and occasions when pupils are expected to wear their school uniform unless otherwise stipulated (e.g. for fundraising purposes).