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Wellbeing at St.Margaret's


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Our amazing team can help

If you need to talk something through, we are here to listen.

We all matter

We have a great team at St.Margaret's Infant School and we are here to help wherever we can. We recognise the importance of wellbeing for our pupils, our staff and our families and have 'Wellbeing Champions' for each of these groups of people. 

We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play. 

When we have a positive view of ourselves it can help us to cope with life’s challenges, and recognising the different qualities of others can allow us to connect with those around us – which is vital for our own and others’ wellbeing.

Useful links:


A public health England and NHS site to help people take simple steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental wellbeing and support others.


Quality-assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote children’s mental health and wellbeing.

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