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Principles of Assessment

It must be fair, accurate and reliable:

  • ensures that children are able to show their learning and achievements in various ways
  • uses a range of evidence in a range of contexts over time
  • promotes breadth and depth of learning
  • is benchmarked against peers in school and beyond
  • is carried out and checked by well trained professionals

It must be proportionate, relevant and appropriate:

  • is not over-demanding on children and teachers to the detriment of learning
  • assesses what is important
  • tells children, teachers, parents and government agents what they need to know
  • uses methods that are right for the child at their age and stage of development
  • is regularly reviewed to evaluate effectiveness and appropriateness

Put the child at the centre of the process:

  • involves the children, their teacher and their peers talking together about learning
  • helps children to self-assess and be reflective. Pupils use 2, 5, 8 to show their understanding of this.
  • clarifies what the children can do and what they need to do next
  • raises children’s aspirations
  • is positive and emphasises children’s strengths, raising self-esteem

Be designed to support the raising of standards and aspirations:

  • gives accurate feedback to celebrate achievement and enables children to self-correct
  • improves the quality of teaching by guiding teachers to base their plans on the needs, prior learning, interests and experiences of the children
  • improves children’s learning by closing any gaps in attainment and progress
  • promotes independence, responsibility and team working
  • identifies where extra help is required and the training staff might need

Be open and informative

  • uses language that is understood by teachers, children, parents, governors, school leaders and government agencies
  • is based on the teacher’s knowledge of the child and how they learn and can be compared with national standards
  • is collected and recorded in a way that means it is manageable and understood by teachers so that they can plan for the future
  • is kept securely and easy to transfer

Our assessment wheel

Explanation of the different sectors of the wheel:

2- I don't understand this.... yet.

5- I feel like am still learning this. I still have some questions and am unsure sometimes.

8- I feel like I know this pretty well. I get almost every question right the first time.

Locked (indicated by a padlock) - I know this VERY well. I feel like I could teach it to someone else. I am able to explain to a peer or the teacher and apply the learning outside of the lesson.

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