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School Places (Admissions)

If your child is starting school in September 2025, please click here for information regarding how to apply for a school place, via the Local Authority.

The main office holds a waiting list for any year group currently full. The position of individual children on that waiting list is determined by the over-subscription criteria listed in our policy. Our priority is to ensure that your child settles happily into school. We give your child (and you) the opportunity to become familiar with the school, its routines and show how you can help your child make the best of their learning.

To enquire about available school places, or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact the school office. A school leader will meet every new family either personally or at a meeting arranged for all children joining our Foundation Stage.

We have 270 places in school. The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 90 per year group.

For more information, please select the relevant policy below:


Fair Access Protocols (Medway)

We adopt the Medway Fair Access Protocols to ensure that unplaced and vulnerable children, and those who are having difficulty in securing a school place ‘in-year’, are allocated a place as quickly as possible.

For more information please click here.


For information about how to submit an appeal, please click here.

The closing date for Reception Year appeals is 20 days from the National Offer Date,

 If you have any queries regarding an appeal, you are asked to contact the school office.

Click on the relevant documents shown on this page:

If you are moving into the area and would like a school place, please contact Medway Council's Student Services Operations Team - Casual Admissions Team on (01634) 331110 or email admissions@medway.gov.uk or visit the >>>Medway Council Website<<<.

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