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Our Governors

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Leigh Brown - Chair of Governors (Co-Opted)

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Sara Smith - Vice Chair of Governors (Co-Opted)

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Craig Beer - Co-Opted Governor

I am Craig Beer and I joined the Governing body in May 2016 as a parent governor. I have worked in education for the last 14 years and currently and the Finance and IT Manager at a large secondary academy. Prior to my current employment I worked in finance for 10 years at a local authority.
I am a qualified school business manager and a graduate member of the Institute of Leadership and Management. At St.Margaret’s. I am the chair of the Finance and Resources committee and the governor lead on health and safety.
I have two boys who attended this wonderful school. We chose this school over other closer schools for its reputation of excellence and providing a caring and nurturing environment which is so important at this age.
The staff here work so hard to educate and grow our children, that any time we can volunteer to play a small part is gratefully given.
The governing body is made up of normal folk who just want to make a difference and make this school better. We and the PTA give our time freely in the hope that we can guide St.Margaret’s into a brighter future.

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Annie Ashdown - Parent Governor

Bio to follow.

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Kerri Ashby - Parent Governor

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Mike Collis - Staff Governor

I have been part of the Governing Body for our amazing School for a number of years now. I am able to share all of the great work done in school with our Governors.

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