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EYFS at St Margaret's Infant School


What is EYFS?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year.

It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.

How do we learn in EYFS?

The ways in which the child engages with other people and their environment - playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically - underpin learning and development across all areas and support our children to remain effective and motivated learners.  

At St Margaret's Infant School we value each child as a unique individual.  We recognise that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.  We build positive relationships with the children by being sensitive and responsive to the children's needs, feelings and interests; consistent in setting clear boundaries and being supportive of the children's own efforts and independence.  

We value the importance of our environment and strive to achieve a stimulating environment that enables high quality learning.  We offer stimulating and open-ended resources, rich learning opportunities through play and playful teaching and support children to take risks and explore.  

4 areas of learning

Characteristics of Effective Learning

There are three Characteristics of Effective Learning: Playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.

 Research has shown that children learn best when they are playing and exploring; when they are motivated to keep on trying and when they can have their own ideas.  Learning in each class will look very different. We take into account each child’s level of development and provide their next step targets through current interests and play based learning.

Please click on the image below to see the EYFS educational programmes for each of the 7 areas of learning:

Eyfs Logos

Areas of Learning and Development

Within the theme of Learning and Development there are seven areas. These are split into ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas. 

Prime areas are fundamental, work together, and move through to support development in all other areas.

The Prime areas are:

•Personal, Social and Emotional Development

•Communication and Language

•Physical Development

Specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.

The Specific areas are:



•Understanding the World

•Expressive Arts and Design

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