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Our Learning 

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Read Write Inc

We will be continuing to learn new sounds in our read, write, inc. lessons. This will help us to improve our reading and writing. Your child will be mixed with children from other Reception classes for this lesson. Your child may be taught by a different teacher for this lesson or they may stay with their own class teacher. We will continue to practice writing the sounds we have learned with 'here we go' lines and we will be reading and building simple words.

You can help us at home by practicing our sounds with us, reading our reading books and helping us to write our names with 'here we go' lines. 


For your information...

The reformed EYFS 2012 Framework emphasises the continued importance in strengthening partnerships between parents/carers and professionals. 

At St. Margaret’s Infant School we recognise that you as parents know your child better than anyone else. Therefore we actively encourage your involvement in their learning and development.

We will be sending home information about ‘WOW’ moments and how we encourage you to help us celebrate the children's home achievements.  We are very keen to see lots of 'WOWs' this term in helping the children connect what they learn at school to their home and community.


Please click on the picture below for more WOW slips to print if you need them.

Early Learning Goals

Please click on the picture below to see the goals that your children will be assessed against at the end of the year.  


Eyfs Logos


Read, Write, Inc.

Please click on the following link for further information and resources to support your children in their reading and writing skills through the Read, Write Inc programme.

                                             Handwriting Rhymes     
The children have already begun learning the correct pronunciation of sounds through the RWI program and are enjoying exploring sounds in words through their play. We have already sent home a pack for parents to support how we teach reading and the different types of books our children will be bringing home. Please also look out for our parents guide to RWI and early writing also following shortly.

Maths Fun

We have a rich mathematical environment and provide opportunities for children to use and apply a range of numbers and counting resources as well as shapes and patterns.  We will sing number rhymes and songs and focus on numbers that are personal to children, for example, their age, house number and sibling’s ages.  We will provide learning opportunities which develop counting and ordering skills up to 10 and beyond appropriate for individuals. We will be encouraging children to count, order and match objects to given numbers through ways which engage and interest the children. We will also be exploring numbers all around us in the environment and encourage you to help children 'spot' numbers all around us too.

The links below will take you to useful website which explore mathematical concepts for the Early Years.


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